Illinois Aging Network Alert March 24, 2020
Illinois Aging Network Alert
March 24, 2020
The Older Americans Act (OAA) protects the health and wellbeing of older adults by providing critical support that addresses their needs. During times of emergency, meals are of the greatest concern for older adults, as many are unable to access food. Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs) receive funding from the Older Americans Act and the Illinois General Revenue Fund for meal programs serving 85,467 congregate participants and 43,436 home delivered meal participants. (Source: IDOA FY 2019 NAPIS Report)
Nutrition for older adults is our top priority! The Illinois Area Agencies on Aging (I4A) have worked tirelessly to adapt programs and service delivery to meet the quickly changing situation and address the emerging needs of older adults created by the COVID-19 crisis.
- Congregate programs located at Senior Centers developed creative grab and go meal options
- Home-delivered meals programs increased to serve more older adults unable to leave their home
- Meal delivery routes expanded to accommodate increased numbers of meals
- Shelf-stable and frozen meals are being offered as a meal alternative to address delivery capacity
OAA funded nutrition programs are ensuring that older adults continue to receive nutritious meals. The Aging Network remains open for business to provide these life-saving services.
During this crisis, AAAs are faced with an increased demand and cost for meals and services for Illinois' most vulnerable older adults. Additional resources are critical for ensuring the protection of the health and wellbeing of our older adults.
For more information, contact Susan C. Real, Legislative Chair at 309-829-2065 ext. 218